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It's too late to change the events, it's time to face the consequences...

miércoles, septiembre 22, 2004

Advice for the young at heart

Soy de dedicar, mimar, besar y abrazar a "gente joven de buen corazón".

Para ellos (envueltos en un globo imaginario trazado por quien suscribe, en el cual suelo incluír a mucha gente) va este tema, que justamente tiene que ver con ellos y con esa frase.

Tema de los Tears for Fears, se llama justamente "Advice for the young at heart" y está en un disco de finales de los '80, pero lo pueden conseguir así como otros temas destacados como "Head over heels" o "Pale Shelter", además de los clásicos, en "Tears roll down", su greatest hits.

Advice for the young at heart
Soon we will be older
When we gonna make it work?

Too many people living in a secret world
While they play mothers and fathers
We play little boys and girls
When we gonna make it work?

I could be happy
I could be quite naive
It's only me and my shadows
Happy in our make believe

And with the hounds at bay
I'll call your bluff
Cos it would be okay
To walk on tiptoes everyday

And when I think of you and all the love that's due
I'll make a promise, I'll make a stand
Cos to these big brown eyes, this comes as no surprise
We've got the whole wide world in our hands

Advice for the young at heart
Soon we will be older
When we gonna make it work?

Love is promise
Love is a souvenir
Once given
Never forgotten, never let it disappear
This could be our last chance
When we gonna make it work?
Working hour is over

And how it makes me weep
Cos someone sent my soul to sleep

And when I think of you and all the love that's due
I'll make a promise, I'll make a stand
Cos to these big brown eyes, this comes as no surprise
We've got the whole wide world in our hands

Advice for the young at heart
Soon we will be older
When we gonna make it work?
Working hour is over

We can do anyhting that we want
Anything that we feel like doing

  • Cómo expresar la voluntad de donación
  • Life is a Matter of Forthcoming Questions
  • Contando hasta cinco, por Lucia Carolina
  • El increí­ble mundo de las cuestiones femeninas
  • dannie
  • apOCALipsis Canalla
  • Si el puchi se muere...
  • The sound of muzak...
  • el abismo sobre mi cuerpo
  • Anita
  • Mucho Blabla
  • Music Eternal Garden of the Arcane Delights
  • [Synth::Musica]
  • Yo los ví
  • Más atrás hay lugar, doña
  • Surfeando avalanchas
  • Sueños a Pila
  • Modeblogeando
  • Mi diario (no tan) íntimo
  • Debe y haber...
  • Por un puñado de dolares, sin rumbo fijo
  • NBA dot com
  • Diario La Nacion
  • Argentina Mode
  • Ultra, tributo argentino a Depeche Mode
  • Los Vende Humo
  • En una Baldosa
  • Frases Futboleras


  • Mesh Official Web Site
  • The Synthpop Network

    Algo así­ como el acta fundacional de Shooting for 3

  • NBA Live by Yahoo

    ...y a él...

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